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The purposes of this study were to manage the body of knowledge and pass on the technology and techniques of winding the warp to the community enterprise by employing qualitative research. The samples were Ban Nong Kowit Weaving Group, Ban Phon Sawan Weaving Group, Sa Kaeo Province, Ban Khua Kai Weaving Group, and Ban Na Ngua Weaving Group, Sakon Nakhon Province, a total of 100 persons. The tools adopted in this research were interview and observation forms and the 3 procedures were: 1) to study the original warping procedures; 2) to design and develop the warp winding machine and; 3) to pass on the body of knowledge and instructions of warp winding machine. The results of a study in the woven cloth The results of a study of fabric weaving by using a stand-up yarn winding device for community enterprises were: 1) the area of warp winding was reduced from the original area consuming the area equivalent to the length of the warp, the average length of the warp ranged between 15-25 meters, whilst the new winding machine consumed the area of 4-5 meters which was more saver; 2) the time consumed was less, the winding process could be done without time limitation even if the weather conditions were poor; 3) the issue of labor required for warp winding was mitigated, the newly developed machine only required 2 persons whilst the original winding required 4-5 persons. The outcome of passing on technology illustrated that the community enterprise could perform winding the warp with newly designed and developed techniques and they could personally pass on and utilize the body of knowledge obtained. Additionally, the community enterprise could build the product brand from the products produced by the machine adopting the warp winding techniques and such products could be commercially distributed.
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