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The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the personal factors of life insurance insurers. 2) Study the factors affecting the decision to buy life insurance and 3) Comparison of personal factors of life insurers that affect the decision to buy life insurance in 2021, which is a quantitative research, the sample group used in this study are: Individuals who have bought or held a life insurance policy at least 1 time living in Thailand By random random sampling of 400 people using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage and mean, and inferential statistics such as t-test and One-Way ANOVA statistics, using a ready-made computer program. The results of the research found that 1) the personal factors of life insurance insurers were mostly female. Aged between 31 – 40, marital status Occupation employee / employee of a private company have average monthly income 30,001-40,000 baht with a bachelor's degree Life insurance is purchased in the form of accumulating life insurance. There were 1 life insurance policy and purchased life insurance through an insurance agent/salesperson. 2) Factors affecting the decision to purchase life insurance products in terms of service products were at the highest level, followed by physical evidence regarding service pricing, respectively. And 3) Comparison of personal factors of life insurers in terms of age, income, life insurance form, number of insurance policies, life insurance companies, different objectives of life insurance purchases, affecting the overall life insurance purchase decision. statistically significantly different at the level 0.05 should focus on developing a variety of life insurance products.
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