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The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study level of social welfare needs of the elderly in Ban Change sub district administrative organization ,2 ) to compare social welfare needs of elderly in Ban Change sub district administrative organization that classified by personal qualification and 3) to propose social welfare needs guideline of elderly in Ban Change sub district administrative organization. The research methodology was a quantitative. The conceptual framework of the study was created using Raphephan Khamhom. The study populations were 650 males and females who aged 60 years old up and lived in Ban Change sub district administrative organization. The sample size was 248 people and determined by Taro Yamane. The research instruments were questionnaire and interview guide. The reliability of the questionnaire was .89.The statistic used for data analysis included percentage; mean, standard deviation, t-test and One Way ANOVA. The study results revealed that 1) level of social welfare needs of the elderly in Ban Change sub district administrative organization as a whole was at much level. When considering each aspect indicated that one aspect was at the most level, 3 aspects were at much level and 1 aspect was at moderate level as orderly organized from high to low as following : hygiene aspect was at the most average , followed by life safety aspect, recreation aspect, education aspect and habitat aspect was at less average. 2) Compare social welfare needs of the elderly in Ban Change sub district administrative organization, classified by personal factor. It found that the elderly with different ages, educational levels, marital status, occupations and monthly incomes showed no difference. By the elderly with different genders showed social welfare needs of the elderly in Ban Change sub district administrative organization with statistically significant level of .05 and 3) propose social welfare needs guideline of the elderly found that Ban Change sub district administrative organization must be operated as follows: 1) virus infection in public relations that everyone should be known this event . 2) Law and regulations in epidemic era including Social Distancing, everyone needs to cooperate. 3) Should be provided adequate accommodation for the elderly.
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