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This article aims to examine the approaches and examples of Scotland and Australia in implementing community justice in order to enhance social justice. to use as a body of knowledge to improve and develop the community justice system in Thailand. This study is based on qualitative research based on document research as well as electronic media information relating to the community justice systems of Scotland and Australia. The results showed that Scotland's community justice system is enacted in the form of a law that provides guidelines for the establishment of agencies and organizations involved in the community justice system to function, in particular, administering the community justice system. In Australia, the practice of community justice has also been established as a form of law, focusing on dispute resolution through mediation and compromise, which clearly defines the method of dispute resolution in the law. Therefore, in the implementation of community justice in Thailand, there should be a pattern in operation. There is clear coordination, like the Scottish model. In addition, guidelines for community justice dispute resolution should be clearly stated, such as the Australian model, in order to provide clarity on the format and procedures for implementing community justice. It also raises awareness of the importance of establishing and upgrading the community justice process in order to be recognized and accepted as a form of justice that is separate from the mainstream justice system.
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