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This research aimed to investigate the factors influencing solid waste management of street vendors in Ratchathewi district, Bangkok Metropolis. Totally, 341 street vendors in Ratchathewi district, Bangkok Metropolis were selected by using simple random sampling method. The questionnaires were used for data collection during 30th September to 10th November 2021. The data were then analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square test, Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient statistics and multiple regression statistics. The results of the study revealed that factors influencing the solid waste management of the street vendors was found at moderate level accounted for 63.6%, follow by a high level accounted for 33.1% and finally at a low level accounted for 3.2% respectively. The statistically significant (p value <0.05) related factors to solid waste management of street vendors were knowledge high level, accounting for 50.7% ,attitude moderate accounted for 83.0% and motivation high level accounted for 56.0% . Factors Influencing knowledge, attitude and motivation about waste management were analyzed using multiple regression statistics, it showed that the aforementioned factors were Influencing to predict motivate waste management behavior in 34% (Beta=0.586). The results of this study suggest that the responsible agencies in the area promote waste management policies. Including the development of online media tools such as Facebook and Line to promote the street vendors access to information quickly and motivate the street vendors to follow the principles of 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle).
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