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Phrasamuh Thongchai Sundaracaro
Phramaha Worameth Techadhammo
Phra Wichan Candasro
Phrabaideeka Boonsong Punyabhago


The objectives of this research article are to: 1) Study the general condition and problems and obstacles in promote the health of monks in the situation of COVID-19 in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. 2) Study the driving and promote the health of monks in the situation of COVID-19 in Nakhon Ratchasima Province 3) Present a model for promote the health of monks in the situation of COVID-19 in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. by using model a qualitative research method. Key informants 18 people by selectively selecting people who are involved in Buddhism, public health, organizations and related agencies. Analyze the data by describing. The results showed that; 1) Monks in Nakhon Ratchasima have promoted knowledge on health care. Cooperate with relevant agencies to prevent and organize activities to promote the health of monks. The problem encountered was that it was difficult to practice the religion during the COVID-19. 2) The driving and promote the health of monks develop knowledge to increase the ability of personnel to work effectively create a network of related agencies together with the Sangha to work on health promotion provide a budget to support establishment of a group of monks who lead to drive the constitution on monks health in a concrete way. 3) A model for promote the health of monks in the situation of COVID-19 in Nakhon Ratchasima Province health care there are preventive measures and temperature checks to prevent people who come to make merit at the temple all the time. Community and society take care of monks public health unit and community leaders  has set up a screening unit and issuing advice to monks on how to prevent Covid-19. Monks are leaders in the health of the community and society. The temple is the center of people's minds in difficult times. During the Covid-19 situation the temple is a burden for organizing the funeral of infected people and facilitate the relatives of the deceased

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How to Cite
Sundaracaro, P. T., Techadhammo, P. W. ., Candasro, P. W. ., & Punyabhago, P. B. . (2022). THE MODEL TO PROMOTE HEALTH OF MONKS IN SITUATION COVID-19 IN NAKHON RATCHASIMA PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(2), 241–253. retrieved from
Research Articles


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