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The objectives of this research were to: 1) investigate potential development of value chain of edible fern community enterprise, Ban Sema, Nakhon Si Thammarat and 2) suggest potential development of value chain of edible fern community enterprise, Ban Sema, Nakhon Si Thammarat using a qualitative research approach. The population in the study was 22 members of community enterprise, Ban Sema, Nakhon Si Thammarat. They were selected purposively and the data collected through group discussion from the samples were 8 members. All questions for group discussion were related to general information of edible fern community enterprise, Ban Sema and activities relevant to value chain. The data collected via taking note, video recording and observing the members’ participation. The data obtained were analyze by using content analysis. The results revealed that the members support themselves. Most of the customers were middlemen who loaded the products using their own cars. The members did not have their own packaging. They neither had online platform nor product warranty. The members set the price themselves. They had their own responsibilities and the money was paid to all members equally. They used mobile phones and some applications to contact both customers and members. The guideline to develop potential value chain is to use online platforms and design their own packaging for Edible Fern. Also, communication technology should be adapted to increase a number of customers. Also, Bio-Fermented water should be sprayed to edible ferns twice a month. In order to reduce cost, the members should use baskets instead of using big plastic bags. Moreover, the members should have good system to spread edible fern to middlemen. They also should manage queues for retail customers and new customers in other provinces systematically. In addition, they should spare some budget for designing packaging for their product. Furthermore, their team working should be totally reorganized. Lastly, they should design and print a guidebook for all team members to follow and run the business that is edible fern in the same pattern.
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