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Karunluck Bahalayodhin
Thanisorn Yuenyong
Wutilert Devakul
Benyasiri Ngamsaad
Sanisra Parsook


The objectives of this research article were: 1) study the level of decision making to elect local politicians, 2) comparing different demographics on how they elected local politicians and 3) to propose guidelines for decision making in the election of local politicians using a qualitative research methodology. The research was based on a conceptual framework first proposed by Wieharn Rodpaiboon. The population was based on 101,110 people living. The sample calculated the value by opening 400 Krejcie and Morgan prefabricated table was applied to determine a confidence level of .89. With this statistical approach percentages, arithmetic means, standard deviations, T-test and analysis of variance (Anova F - Test) were carried out. The results showed: 1) the level of decision making in the election of local politicians was high. When considering the majority of votes, there were four main issues in high levels, the qualification of the elected was scoring in highest average whilst the role and environment were the lowest average. 2) Comparing the decision to elect local politicians classified by different demographics such as gender, level of education having no different decisions to elect local politicians. However, the population living who have different age, occupation and income have different decision to elect the local politicians with the statistical significance of 0.05. Propose guidelines for decision to elect the local politicians as follows: 1) To add more options for public relations channels by applying social media such. 2) The officials must be politically. 3) Arrange the proper places for meeting with people. 4) The election campaign transparency.

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How to Cite
Bahalayodhin, K. ., Yuenyong , T. ., Devakul, W. ., Ngamsaad, B. ., & Parsook, S. . (2022). DECISION TO ELECT LOCAL POLITICIANS IN RANGSIT MUNICIPALITY PATHUMTHANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(2), 62–76. retrieved from
Research Articles


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