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The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study level of community development plan preparation of Bannmai subdistrict municipality, Muang Pathumthani district, 2) to compare community development plan preparation of Bannmai subdistrict municipality that classified by personal qualification factors and 3) to propose community development preparation plan guidelines of Bannmai subdistrict municipality. The research methodology was quantitative. The conceptual framework of the study was created using theory of Department of Local Administration. The study population were 170 local development committees of Bannmai subdistrict municipality, Muang Pathumthani district, Pathumthani province. The sample size was 118 people determined by Krejcie & Morgan. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was .89. The statistic used for data analysis included percentage, mean, standard deviation, t- test and One-way ANOVA. The study results revealed that 1) level of community development plan preparation of Bannmai subdistrict municipality as a whole were at moderate level. When considering each aspect indicated that 3 aspects were at moderate levels as orderly organized from high to low as following: evaluation aspect was at much level, followed by plan implementation aspect and planning aspect. 2) Compare community development plan preparation of Bannmai subdistrict municipality, classified by personal qualification factors found that the committees with different genders, educational levels and work experiences showed no difference and without the hypothesis setting 3) Propose community development preparation plan guidelines of Bannmai subdistrict municip.ality found that 1) committees must have all completed information in planning preparation, 2) Commitees must have more participation,3)Civil servants must explain all completed information, 4) Committees must study the role itself, 5) Should focus on more public health.
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