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The objectives mixed research of this research was to 1) Study a present, desirable characteristic and the essential needs. 2) Development of Model for the educational management using a balanced scorecard for schools under the Roi Et Secondary Education Service Area Office. The research was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 study a present, desirable characteristic and the essential needs. There were 92 samples consisting of administrators and academic head teachers by multi-stage Sampling. Phase 2 Development of Model for the educational management using a balanced scorecard for schools under the Roi Et Secondary Education Service Area Office. The group of informants are administrators and teachers heads of academic departments. From schools with best practice, 6 students and 9 experts Purposive Sampling. Tools used in data collection Including current condition questionnaire Desirable Conditions, Interview Form, Group Discussion Record Form and questionnaires to assess. interviews form and questionnaire to assess. Statistics used in data analysis are percentage. Average and standard deviation and Priority Needs Index. The results were as follows: 1. The current circumstances with the whole picture were at medium level. The desirable characteristics with the whole picture were at highest level. the need internal process, learning and development, finance, and students. 2. Model for the Evaluation of educational management using a balanced scorecard for schools under the Roi Et Secondary Education Service Area Office consist 1) Principle 2) Objective 3) Operation Method There are 4 aspects and 29 procedures as follows: Internal process, there are 10 procedures. In terms of learning and development, there are 7 methods of action. For budget and finance, there are 6 actions, and for students, there are 6 procedures, 4) assessment and 5) conditions for success. The results of the feasibility and feasibility assessment were at the highest level.
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