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The objectives of this one-group pretest and posttest quasi-experimental study article were 1) to develop and find quality of the physical education learning media, 2) to study the students’ learning outcome before and after using physical education learning media, and 3) to study the students’ satisfaction toward the physical education learning media under the COVID-19 pandemic via social television to promote futsal skill. The data were selected from the 30 samples who are sports communication learners at Thailand National Sports University Udon Thani Campus by purposive sampling. The tools that are used in research, including 1) physical education learning media under the COVID-19 pandemic via social television to promote futsal skill 2) the test form of the students’ learning outcome before and after using physical education learning media and 3) the questionnaire form about satisfaction. The statistics in this research, which are used analytic, include percentage value, mean, standard deviation, and paired sample test. The research results were 1) physical education learning media under the COVID-19 pandemic via social television to promote futsal skill which was the quality is at the highest level (Mean = 4.40, S.D. = 0.60), the quality of content of media is at the highest level (Mean = 4.24, S.D. = 0.66), and the quality of media presentation techniques is at the highest level (Mean = 4.56, S.D. = 0.50), 2) the students’ learning outcome after learning was higher than that of before at the statistically significant level of .05, and 3) the students’ overall satisfaction towards learning with the developed case study was at the highest level (Mean = 4.40, S.D. = 0.58).
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