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The objectives of this research article were to 1) to study the process of obtaining the position of female provincial governors, 2) to study the context of
new public management that empowers women to be provincial governors,
, and 3) to study the problems and obstacles in the development of women’s advancement for obtaining the provincial governors, including documentary research and in-depth interviews with 14 key informants. The interview form was used as a field research tool for in-depth interviews and analysis. According to research findings, it was found that 1) The selection process for female provincial governors in the Thai bureaucracy provided opportunities for women to take up roles, accepted women in the bureaucracy, and encouraged women to become provincial governors. 2) As for the context of new public management and support for female provincial governors, it was found that the government had developed a performance-based management system for professionalism. This allowed more women to be promoted and offered women career advancement opportunities to become provincial governors. 3) According to the problems and obstacles in the development of women’s advancement for obtaining the provincial governors, it was found that there was a decline in the number of female provincial governors. This resulted in more opportunities for women to pursue their professional development and career advancement.
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