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This article is a research paper in the form of Research and Development (Research and Development). At present, the desired conditions and needs are necessary for innovative leadership of school administrators. Under Vocational Education, Roi Et Province 2) To develop programs to enhance innovative leadership There are 2 phases of operation: Phase 1 is studying the current condition. Desirable Conditions and Needs for Innovative Leadership of School Administrators Phase 2 Develop a program to enhance innovative leadership of school administrators. The sample group was school administrators. There were 214 teachers under Vocational Education in Roi Et Province. Desirable condition and the necessity of innovative leadership of school administrators group chat log and a form to assess the suitability and feasibility of the program The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, need index (PNI Modified). under vocational education, Roi Et Province Overall, it was at a high level ( = 4.36 , S.D. = 0.73). Overall, it was at the highest level ( = 4.57, SD = 0.66) 2) Elements of the program for enhancing innovative leadership of educational institution administrators were: 1) Principles and rationale, which consisted of concepts and theories related to current conditions, problems and importance. 2) Objectives include the goals to be achieved in implementing innovative leadership building programs 3) Content framework structure
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