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Boonruen Niempan


The Objectives of this research article were to study political participation level of people in Pathumthani province and 2) study the factor related to political participation of the people in Pathumthani province. This was mix research method such as people who lived in Pathum Thani Subdistrict Administrative Organization of 402 people. Data were analyzed by statistical percentage, mean, standard deviation, alpha coefficient and multiple regressions and summarize overall in the form of a table. The research was found that 1. the level of political participation in summarize overall was moderate such as ( = 2.76) 1.1) Perception of political news ( = 4.36) 1.2) political conversation ( = 2.58) 1.3) Voting Rights ( = 3.04) 1.4) participation in political activities (  = 1.34) 1.5) contact with politicians ( = 1.61) 1.6) political rallies ( = 1.40) and 1.7) political situation and 2. The factor related to political participation of the people in Pathumthani province such as the demography correlated with community roles (R= 0.162), the social group membership (R= 0.161), the political situation factors were related to political information sources (R=0.433), the place to meet and discuss political issues (R= 0.616), the comfortable of participation in activities (R= 0.666), the solidarity of people in community  (R= 0.588), the rules regarding participation in activities (R= 0.592), voting rules (R= 0.438) and there was a significant correlation with the level of participation in different dimensions at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Niempan , B. . (2021). POLITICAL PARTICIPATION OF PEOPLE IN PATHUMTHANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(12), 292–307. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/257664
Research Articles


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