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Nalaumon Anusonphat
Ittithep Leenawrat
Ittithep Leenawrat


This article aimed at studying the first, the problems related to the development of self-sufficiency community economy on basis of community democracy, and the studying the ways in developing self-sufficiency community economy. In this research, mixed method was used that included the documentary research and qualitative research. It was found from the research that: The problems frequently found related to the self-sufficiency community economy included 1) the technological self-sufficiency: insufficient support from the concerned divisions or the government, 2) the economic self-sufficiency: the insufficient number of experts who could provide knowledge to the community, 3) the natural resources self-sufficiency: insufficient support in providing knowledge on how to use natural resources for maximum benefits, 4) the psychological self-sufficiency: there was no opportunity for the people in the community to participate in determining the strategy on self-sufficiency community economy on basis of community democracy, and 5) the social self-sufficiency: there had been an obstacle related to the building of social network which could be used to help community people receive information. It was found from the study of the ways in developing self-sufficiency community economy on basis of community democracy that 1) the technological self-sufficiency: the divisions concerned should allocate budget on technology used to develop the production, 2) the economic self-sufficiency: experts or lecturers should be arranged to train and provide knowledge to the community people in order to create jobs for the community, 3) the natural resources self-sufficiency: the strength of community people should be built through the participatory learning process on how to use natural resources for maximum benefits, 4) the psychological self-sufficiency: mutual understanding within the community should be boosted and strategy on the self-sufficiency community economy on basis of community democracy should be determined, and 5) the social self-sufficiency: social network should be created so that the community people could be informed of up-to-date information and knowledge.

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How to Cite
Anusonphat, N. ., Leenawrat, I. ., & Leenawrat, I. . (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-SUFFICIENCY COMMUNITY ECONOMY ON BASIS OF COMMUNITY DEMOCRACY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(12), 204–217. retrieved from
Research Articles


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