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Supaporn Tantinantrakun


Postpartum mothers have one of the most important roles that no one can replace that is breastfeeding. Breast milk production is the most appropriate nutrient-rich source of feed newborns at 6 month. It is the first drop of vaccine for baby. This will make the baby healthy in all aspects including physical growth, development, intelligence, reduce allergy symptoms, good mood, high emotional intelligence reducing the chance of developing bowel inflammatory disease in newborns and other diseases. The mothers after giving birth often experience problems with breast milk tightness, swelling and inflammation, causing the milk to not flow or decrease amount, and causing discomfort, resulting in mother's anxiety and fear that the child is malnourished, causing the mother to decide to breastfeed. Therefore, to prevent breast engorgement as well the herbal compress for breast by hot compress would affect the circulatory system and mammary glands. This causes blood vessels to expand and increase blood flow, helping to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation as well as stimulate more milk flow rresulting in the mother after birth feel comfortable of breast. The increasing the amount of milk causing the baby to enter the breast for a longer time. Therefore, health personnel can be used as a guideline to promote postpartum mothers in the community to reduce breast engorgement.

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How to Cite
Tantinantrakun , S. . (2021). HERBAL COMPRESSES FOR THE BREAST AFTER GIVING BIRTH. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(12), 179–189. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/257656
Academic Article


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