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Rassamee Srinon


This article aims to present a concept about nursing care adolescent mother which is concerned with cesarean section during labor and post-partum period. Adolescent pregnancy is a critical period in life of teenager because it is a turning point of life for them which relates to body and appearance changes due to pregnancy and studying period which affects the adjustment of maternal role of the teenagers while being a mother. When an adolescent mother enters the period of child delivery, she has to deal with pain, fear and anxiety about labor that affects the progress of labor. In this regard, the mother may have an abnormality about some components of the labor such as the state of cephalic pelvis disproportion period, tetanic uterine contraction, and fetal distress of fetus which leads her to the cesarean section. In part the postpartum period, the adolescent mother has to adjust her role as a motherhood and breastfeeding her baby. If she cannot adjust the maternal role properly, she may not maternal role and she may have an unstable emotion or depression after the labor. Therefore, the nursing care for the adolescent mothers in labor and postpartum period covers both physical and emotional needs. Nursing care during labor must be taken to ensure the proper progression of delivery and preparation of the mothers for caesarean sections. In the postpartum period, the role of motherhood should be promoted until the mother can take care of herself and her child. The family planning promotion by using a contraception implant among the mothers to refrain from pregnant consequently will make the mothers have a better quality of life without losing a good opportunity in life.

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How to Cite
Srinon , R. . (2021). NURSING CARE OF ADOLESCENT MOTHER WITH CESAREAN SECTION: A CASE STUDY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(12), 134–152. retrieved from
Academic Article


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