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Wichian Manlae
Boonying Prathum
Surasak Kaew-On
Korrakot Chamnian


The purpose of this article was to present the study results of affected and adjustment of people during COVID 19 pandemic in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. This was qualitative research. Data were collected by using the questionnaire and the sample was selected from people in Nakhon Si Thammarat. The statistic used for data analysis was percentage. The research showed that working people were mainly affected by COVID 19 pandemic in 5 aspects as follows: 1) Economic effect— People had lower income because of COVID 19 pandemic. 2) Health effect —Members of the family were active in protecting themselves from the inflection and in taking care of themselves during COVID 19 pandemic. 3) Social and environmental It found that most of lovers/spouses had the relationship with the members of the family at the normal level. 4) Information technology effect—Information accessed from a television source was at the higher level.   5) Educational effect—The students had to study online at the higher level For the adjustment of the peoples, the research found that 1) Economic aspect—There were new jobs created by the members of the family to increase their income. 2) Health aspect—There was adjustment for health behavior as follows: keep washing their hands by water and soap 3) Social and environmental aspect—It found that the ways people had conversation were at the normal level. it found that persons and help sources asked for help were the relatives. 4) Information technology aspect—It found that there was adjustment about self-learning in using communication tools. 5) Educational aspect—It found that the acquaintance was asked for help in teaching

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How to Cite
Manlae, W., Prathum, B. ., Kaew-On, S., & Chamnian, K. . (2021). EFFECTS AND ADJUSTMENT OF PEOPLE DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN NAKHON SI THAMMARAT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(11), 327–340. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/256978
Research Articles


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