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Naiyana Sathitsathien
Thunyaphat Vattanajirapun
Jongjit Lionram


The objectives of this research article were study the people satisfaction, as well as the quality of service of the Si Racha Municipality. The methods of conducting research was a quantitative research Data were analyzed towards descriptive statistics by frequency and percentage, 4 aspects: 1) satisfaction in service process 2) satisfaction in service channels 3) satisfaction in clear service personnel and 4) satisfaction with the facilities. Data analysis of people's satisfaction towards service quality of Si Racha municipality consisted of 9 missions 1) a project to help inspect and repair electrical household equipment                     2) providing services to the public regarding safety and security 3) providing services relating to the collection of license fees under the Public Health 4) providing public services related to tax mapping and property registration 5) parent services for teaching and learning management of educational institutions under Si Racha Municipality 6) public electricity service 7) one stop service 8) manhole cover repairing 9) a project to promote and improve the quality of life for the disabled and the poor. The results found that the people's satisfaction with the service quality of the Si Racha Municipality found that the people's satisfaction was at a high level of 79.37%, which can be sorted according to the mission: 1) a project to help inspect and repair electrical household equipment at 92.60%; 2) providing services to the public regarding safety and security at 88.80% 3) providing services relating to the collection of license fees under the Public Health Act 80.40% 4) providing public services related to tax mapping and property registration 76.50% 5) parent services for teaching and learning management of educational institutions under Si Racha Municipality 76.50% 6) public electricity service 76.40% 7) one stop service 76.30% 8) manhole cover repairing 76.10% 9) a project to promote and improve the quality of life for the disabled and the poor 74.50%

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How to Cite
Sathitsathien, . N., Vattanajirapun, T. ., & Lionram, J. . (2021). PEOPLE SATISFACTION THE ACHIEVEMENT TOWARDS A QUALITY OF SERVICE OF SI RACHA MUNICIPALITY SI RACHA DISTRICT, CHON BURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(11), 300–311. retrieved from
Research Articles


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