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Petlada Chansri
Wanwisa Samrannet
Nittaya Kor-issaranuphab


Stroke is emergency that usually found in Thailand. It is the leading                   a major cause of death and disability. It dues to narrowing or rupturing of the cerebral artery leading to the lack of food and oxygen in the brain leading to brain damage. Some patients still have symptoms of disability after a stroke, they need to rehabilitate. Each patient has different severity of disease because it depends on type, location and pathology in rehabilitation stage. The stroke patients need for care at home by caregivers for rapid recovery. Empowerment of caregivers is a method to help them change such as knowledge, skill, behavior and encouragement of care. So this article has information about meaning, role of caregivers, empowerment concept and role of nurse in empowerment of caregivers for rehabilitation of stroke patients. Nurses play an important role in helping caregivers analyze problems. Nurses reflect on problem-solving approaches so caregivers can choose the best and appropriate practice for caregivers and patients including positive reinforcement for caregivers This will enable caregivers to effectively care for stroke patients. It is helpful in improving the quality of caregivers for rehabilitation of stroke patients.

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How to Cite
Chansri , P. ., Samrannet , W. ., & Kor-issaranuphab , N. (2021). EMPOWERMENT OF CAREGIVERS FOR REHABILITATION OF STROKE PATIENTS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(11), 112–125. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/256928
Academic Article


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