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Wandee Kaewsaeng-on
Uthoomporn Dulyakasem
Sutut Hemtanon


In consequence of the pandemic of coronavirus 2019 (Coronavirus Disease 2019: COVID-19) there are restrictions on class management that require social distancing. Moreover, it affects to students from practicing the actual laboratory experiments and there is also a lack of opportunity to practice experience on the ward as usual. In nursing education program, not only theoretical nursing studies but also practical nursing experience in-patient care is very important as the heart of the nursing study. Accordingly, Simulation-Based Learning (SBL) enables teaching-learning that encourages learners with the opportunity to learn as close to reality as possible. Combination teaching - learning with SBL with online programs will support teaching - learning in the coronavirus 2019 epidemic situation more efficient. This article aims to presents the way of teaching with SBL with an online program. It consists of concepts, process and program samples. This online program is based on the simulation model concept of The National League for Nursing, follow the steps of ADDIE Models. The results of learning with online programs, in addition to helping learners get the opportunity to practice their experiences as close reality as possible. It also allows learners to practice right-wrong learning on their own. It can be retrained according to their needs to gain expertise, gain confidence in nursing skill. Furthermore, it also encourages learners to know how to solve problems. Planning classes, managing time and spending free time to the advantage.

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How to Cite
Kaewsaeng-on, . W., Dulyakasem, U. ., & Hemtanon, S. . (2021). SIMULATION-BASED LEARNING IN NURSING EDUCATION: CLASSROOM TO ONLINE PROGRAM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(11), 96–111. retrieved from
Academic Article


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