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Somrudee Arunjit
Chutima Rukbanglaem
Pimpawan Rueangphut
Waranipa Krungkeaw
Arunrus Yotinwattanabumrung


Rabies is a public health problem that can be life threatening. Professor Dr. Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn Krom Phra Srisavangavadhana care people of Thailand and effort to make Thailand rabies-free. Therefore, the government is a project for Saving Animals and Human Lives from Rabies. Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nakhon Si Thammarat is an institution of higher education under the Praboromrajchanok Institute that focuses on the development of nurse instructors’ potential by bringing experiences from academic service in the community to the development of teaching and learning to be sustainable in terms of health. Therefore, The College of Nursing has organized a Saving Animals and Human Lives from Rabies to develop the expertise of nursing instructors in academic matters and their competence in academic service in the community. Guidelines for developing nursing instructors' potential in academic services related to rabies prevention from the study of people's needs and the incidence of rabies in order to plan the implementation of academic services and training to provide up-to-date knowledge. After that, teachers who have been trained to transfer knowledge and other teachers to exchange knowledge from the review of relevant research literature and practical experience until becoming a new set of knowledge that is suitable for transferring to the people in the area. Then, a team of teachers meeting before providing academic services. After providing academic services, Teachers reflect and take lessons learned in order to extract knowledge and exchange knowledge of the benefits received and strengths and weaknesses of academic service to improve the next academic service with better quality.

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How to Cite
Arunjit, S. ., Rukbanglaem, C. ., Rueangphut , P. ., Krungkeaw, W. ., & Yotinwattanabumrung, A. (2021). THE DEVELOPMENT OF NURSE INSTRUCTORS’ POTENTIAL TO ACADEMIC SERVICE-RELATED RABIES PREVENTION IN COMMUNITY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(11), 12–23. retrieved from
Academic Article


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