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Ratthakorn Phadungros
Charles Ruangthamsing


The objectives of this research are 2 issues. 1. To know the roles of the members of the Thai Volunteer Defense Corps (VDC) today. 2. To study the operations of the VDC members to respond to the needs of the population. This was a qualitative research study which collected data by review of related documents and by in-depth. The primary contributor sample was chosen using a specific method and qualified to represent the community leaders. business representative civil society representative 8 representatives of the general public who know the current roles and duties of the VDC. The researcher used the qualitative data from the secondary, primary and in-depth interviews of the sample group to analyze in the form of content analysis. The researcher used the qualitative data from the secondary, primary and in-depth interviews of the sample group to analyze in the form of quintessence analysis to study the content. Capture key points, identify and interpret conclusions from data collection. This study found that the roles and duties of the VDC members have increased significantly by order of the provincial commander. Some of these duties are beyond the scope of the original roles of the VDC members as defined in the 1954 Act, Section 2, Article 16. The in-depth interviews about the roles and responsibilities of the VDC indicate that the population would like to see the VDC be a group of professionals with skills in implementing their assigned tasks. They would like to see the VDC provide such services to the population as emergency disaster relief and safety/protections inspections in the community more often. They should have the authority to detain problem individuals and efficiently refer them to law enforcement.

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How to Cite
Phadungros, R. ., & Ruangthamsing, C. (2021). ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE THAI VOLUNTEER DEFENSE CORPS ACCORDING TO CITIZEN PREFERENCE OF KHONKAEN. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(10), 235–244. retrieved from
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