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Parichat Wunchooserm
Auksaranut Sutthiprapa


Gestational diabetes is a common complication during pregnancy and the trend continues to increase around the world. And it is a common cause of stress in women with gestational diabetes from gestational diabetic women have to cope with the need of being diagnosed throughout pregnancy, then the pressure to modify their behavior and to receive more care than normal pregnant women. When stress occurs, it will have severe effects on pregnant women and fetuses, when women with gestational diabetes have stress, they must choose to use coping to reduce that stress. Which each type of coping affects the health of pregnant women fetus and newborn. Pregnant women, who choose to use coping planning styles, and positive spiritual styles have to positive effects of pregnant women, fetus and newborns for pregnant women, who choose to use coping avoidance styles have to negative affect of pregnant women, fetus and newborn. To be seen that promoting proper coping in pregnant women with gestational diabetes is an important role that midwives need to provide. The purpose of this article was to present coping in gestational diabetes mellitus and nurse midwife roles in providing appropriate and accurate knowledge about gestational diabetes, promote self-esteem, promote hardiness, promote social support and reduce uncertainty in promoting coping appropriate for gestational diabetes mellitus women.

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How to Cite
Wunchooserm , P. ., & Sutthiprapa, . A. . (2021). NURSE-MIDWIFE ROLE FOR PROMOTING COPING AMONG WOMEN WITH GESTATIONAL DIABETES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(10), 75–87. retrieved from
Academic Article


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