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Asada Wannakayont
Chatchai Charansiripisan
Aphichai Praisin
Lalintip Rungruang
Dangnoi Poosadach


The research objectives were 1) to study the problems and needs of the website for public relations, 2) to develop a website, 3) to study the quality of the website by experts, and 4) to study the satisfaction of website users. The sample group consisted of 10 participants selected by purposive sampling used to study the problems and needs of the website. And 250 website users were selected by purposive and convenience sampling for the satisfaction study. Research tools were including an interviewed form, website, quality assessment form, and the online satisfaction assessment form. Collected the data of the problems and needs by interviewing the participants and used the data to design and develop the website by applying the design principle of the ADDIE Model. After that, the experts have assessed the quality of the website before sending the qualified website to the experiment group to try out and complete the satisfaction assessment. The last, the data from the quality and satisfaction assessment of website users analyzed by descriptive statistics that including percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research results found that 1) the problems of the original website were difficult and taking times consuming of website updating, and there were little details of curriculum information, 2) the needs of the website consisted of; an easy to develop, low cost for maintenance, and automatic update ability of the website. 3) The overall result of the quality assessment (  = 4.34, S.D. = 0.62), and the satisfaction assessment (  =4.55, S.D. = 0.53)

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How to Cite
Wannakayont , A. ., Charansiripisan , C. ., Praisin, A. ., Rungruang, L. ., & Poosadach , D. . (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF WEBSITE TO PROMOTE THE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY PROGRAM IN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(9), 77–93. retrieved from
Research Articles


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