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Ranoo Malaong
Wilalak Langka
Panida Sakuntanak


The objectives of this article are 1) To design a scientific thinking diagnostic test 2) To examine the quality of scientific thinking diagnostic tests of grade 6 students using experimental research methodology It consisted of a sample group of grade 6 students from 5 Satit Elementary Schools under the Higher Education Commission, totaling 400 people. using a multistage randomization method. (Multistage sampling) The scientific thinking diagnostic test consists of short answer questions, and the questions on the test will be daily situational circumstances which allows the students become simulated to utilize thinking skills, which the answering questions will be in order of four scientific thinking steps as follow: 1) Thinking to identify the problems 2) Thinking to hypothesize 3) Thinking to test the hypothesis and 4) Informational analytical thinking and conclude the answers of results of 40 questions and 10 situations. The result of the quality analysis of the scientific thinking diagnostic test are as follow: 1) The content fidelity index with 5 experts have been concluded that the content fidelity index considerably meets well the criteria with 0.80-1.00 2) Analysis of difficulty shows the value between 0.42-0.91 3) Analysis of discrimination shows the value between 0.22-0.56 and analysis of reliability in the whole version is 0.85, totaling 40 questions, 10 situations, with quality according to the specified criteria.

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How to Cite
Malaong, R. ., Langka, W. ., & Sakuntanak, P. . (2021). A CONSTRUCTION OF THE SCIENTIFIC THINKING DIAGNOSTIC TEST FOR PRATOMSUKSA 6 STUDENTS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(8), 254–266. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/254297
Research Articles


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