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Benjarat Sirichoo
Teantaum Sittichantasan
Nikom Lonkunthos
Asada Wannakayont


 This research aimed: 1) to study service problems and application demand for service of vehicle inspection private center and clients of the center, and 2) to develop and quantify efficiencies of the vehicle inspection business application for enhancing the service of vehicle inspection private center. This is the quantitative research. The research tools used included questionnaire and efficiency evaluation form. Population and sampling group in this research were enterprises and clients of vehicle inspection private center in Thailand with the total number of 30 people, using purposive sampling method. We collected data from questionnaire and then the collected data were concluded to discuss in focus group including experts. After that, the conclusion from the focus group discussion was used to develop and quantify the efficiency of the vehicle inspection business application. The system used to apply was System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with 7 steps comprising Enterprise Analysis, Critical Success Factors (CSFs), System Analysis, System Design, System Development, System Testing, and Maintenance. The research results found that: 1) the problems of enterprises and clients of vehicle inspection private center were overall at high level with the average of 4.02 and standard deviation of 0.29, and the demand of enterprises and clients of vehicle inspection private center were overall at highest level with the average of 4.55 and standard deviation of 0.64; 2) the result of development and efficiency quantification of the vehicle inspection business application for enhancing the service of vehicle inspection private center was overall at high level with the average of 4.62 and standard deviation of 0.45.

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How to Cite
Sirichoo, B. ., Sittichantasan , T. ., Lonkunthos , N. ., & Wannakayont, A. . (2021). VEHICLE INSPECTION BUSINESS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT TO ENHANCE THE SERVICE OF PRIVATE CAR CONDITION EXAMINATION CENTER. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(8), 210–225. retrieved from
Research Articles


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