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The objectives of this research article wer: 1) study administrative behaviors of administrators in educational institutions; 2) study the use of information technology in education in educational institutions; 3) study administrative behaviors of administrators that affect the use of technology. Educational informatics in basic education institutions Use a quantitative research methodology. The sample group used in this research including the director of the school Deputy director of the school or teachers who act as deputy director of the school and teachers, the secondary educational service area office 12, a total of 165 people using the ready-made tables of Crazy Morgan the research tool was a questionnaire. The Conformity Index for each item was 0.91 and the confidence value for the whole issue was 0.97. The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression. The results found that 1) Administrative behavior of administrators in educational institutions Overall, it is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect of motivation was at the highest level. decision-making communication and the leadership aspect was at a high level, respectively. 2) The level of educational information technology uses in basic education institutions. Overall, it is at the highest level. When considering item by item, it was found that executives had basic skills and knowledge in information technology. with the highest average, followed by executives promoting personnel to be knowledgeable about information technology. and educational institutions personnel can use information technology to perform their duties 3) The administrative behavior of administrators affecting the use of educational information technology in basic education institutions consisted of 2 aspects: motivation and decision-making. The multiple correlation coefficient was 0.568. The predictive efficiency was 31.70 percent with statistical significance at the .01 level.
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