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Phramaha Supachai Supachayo (Wongpipan)
Phrasamu Thanapat Dhanabhaddo (Tipwong)
Direk Noonklum
Pairat Chimhad


The objectives of this research article were to 1) Study tourism potential development in Wiang Sa Ancient community: Wiang Sa District, Surat Thani Province and 2) Study the guidelines for Tourism Potential Development in Wiang Sa Ancient Community: Wiang Sa District, Surat Thani Province. The population of this study were tourists for 444 persons who are travelling in Khao Sok national park tourist site, Klongsok Sub district, Panom district, Surat Thani province in B.E. 2561, specifying the sample size by using the Taro Yamane formula. (Taro - Yamame) sample size of 222 persons. Simple random sampling was used, The tools used for data collection were questionnaires, the statistics composed of frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and Standard Deviation. The results of the research were as following: 1) The tourism potential development in Wiang Sa Ancient community: Wiang Sa District, Surat Thani Province overall is at a high level and 2) The guidelines for Tourism Potential Development in Wiang Sa Ancient Community: Wiang Sa District, Surat Thani Province found that the capacity for physical characteristics and environmental preservation should be developed. As well as developing the quality to be a cultural tourism destination that has a standard to support tourists who come to visit throughout the year. The service should be managed in a systematic manner and clearly planned to work. There should be development and promotion of the conservation of arts and culture of community tourism sites to be more widely known by promoting through relevant agencies and various media, people in the community can earn more income from providing services to tourists such as selling local products, photo spots in the historic site, etc.

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How to Cite
Supachayo (Wongpipan), P. S., Dhanabhaddo (Tipwong), P. T. ., Noonklum, D. ., & Chimhad, P. (2021). THE TOURISM POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN WIANG SA ANCIENT COMMUNITY: WIANG SA DISTRICT, SURAT THANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(5), 393–406. retrieved from
Research Articles


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