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Bussayamas Khumnuy
Ponlakrit Sangarwut


The purpose to this study were to 1) study the evaluation of Thai women empowerment funds, 2) compare the evaluation of Thai women empowerment funds, which classified according to personal information, 3) study guidelines for development about the evaluation of Thai women empowerment funds in Suratthani province. (Population): member Thai women empowerment funds was 286 Persons by selecting a purposive sampling using questionnaires as a research tool and collected data.The data were then analyze with descriptive statistic. The qualitative research key informantwas Vice Govornor fo Suratthani province, Deputy Govornor of Suratthani province, Head of Develop Social and Human Security Surat Thani Provincial office, Chief of Suratthani CD Province office, and Head of Development Promotion of Suratthani CD Province office form 5 personsby purposive sampling using interview as research tool and collected data using analyze content. The research found that 1) the evaluation of Thai women empowerment funds in Suratthani province which the overall was moderately level 2) The comparison of the evaluation of Thai women empowerment funds in Suratthani province according to ages, occupations which was overall significantly different at statistical level of 0.05 classified by level of education, income, domicile, and the overall was not different 3) The guidelines for development the evaluation of Thai women empowerment funds in Suratthani province support about debt management, accounting management, writing project for approval, type of working capital, and grant-in-aid, and the operation of Thai women empowerment funds to all staffs concerned, and including members of Thai women empowerment funds for solving outstanding debt. It has to give importance public relations through social media all channels suitable the present for promote women reaching source of investment for making a living, and make more income.

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How to Cite
Khumnuy, B. ., & Sangarwut, P. . (2021). EVALUATION OF THAI WOMEN EMPOWERMENT FUNDS IN SURATTHANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 292–309. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/253530
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