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This article has an objective To create a Buddhist well - being network to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 from the epidemic situation Causing people to cause anxiety around the world Cities shut down the country to prevent coronavirus infection. Which is a virus that can cause respiratory disease With severe symptoms such as pneumonia and death It has now been declared by the World Health Organization to be a global pandemic. So to reduce anxiety Therefore propose guidelines to reduce anxiety by 3 build 2 use 3 are 3: 1) create safety, wash hands, wear masks Keep distance Not infected with anyone and not infected. 2) Create peace, exercise and encouragement. Send and receive news from reliable sources and 3) create hope. because all parties try together To be at a level that we can cope, and the two are: 1) use your full strength to look after each other and 2) use your relationship. That exists in encouragement through the crisis together By integrating with the recitation of the Ratana Sutra For the prevention and suppression of disasters and social crises Because the prayer is believed to be that Will help fend off disease And the bad things out of the country Chanting of the Ratana Sutra Although not a direct solution But it is to build morale Love and unity among the people By those who have faith in prayer Surely has peace of mind The disease is less dangerous. That prayer correctly Will cause physical happiness and peace of mind, helping to clearly improve the immune system
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