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This research has two objectives as following 1) to study the Leadership of Sangha Administrator in Community Development in Mueang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. 2) To study the suggestions about the guidelines for Leadership development of Sangha Administrator in Community Development in Mueang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, is the mixed research both qualitative and quality collection by questionnaire and keys interview. The results of the research 1) The Leadership of Sangha Administrator in Community Development in Mueang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province found that by overview, there are in moderate level ( = 3.41). When considering in each aspect from more to less found that, The aspect of ruling is in highest mean (
= 3.47) and follow of aspect of public welfare (
=3.44), aspect of religious study (
=3.40), the aspect of Dhamma dissemination and public affair (
=3.39) and The aspect of education providing is the lowest mean (
=3.38), 2) The suggestions about the guidelines for Leadership development of Sangha Administrator in Community Development in Mueang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province for six aspects as following; the aspect of ruling i.e. they should have vision for duty on ruling, the aspect of religious study i.e. there should have desired in learning of Pali for getting benefits in Dhamma dissemination, the aspect of study welfare i.e. there should promote on budget for education material providing as efficiently, modernity, the aspect of Dhamma dissemination i.e. there should be mindful in promotion of activities to the youths in participation of religious activities. the aspect of public affaire i.e. there should coordination to other organizations for support budget in renovative activities, integrate arts and cultures, the aspect of public welfare i.e. there should be coordination with concerning organization, there should be promote people in public mind.
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