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Chamnan songsittikul


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the operating conditions of peasant farmers, 2) to study the components of the problem of poverty of peasants, and 3) to propose guidelines for solving the poverty problems of peasant farmers. This research is a qualitative research. Use the in-depth interview question form. Non-Participatory Observation of Farmer's Farming Process The researcher has defined three groups of key informants as follows: Group 1) Management committee or representatives of Muang Suphan Buri district agriculture. The Irrigation Project and the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, totaling 10 people, Group 2) Agriculture administrators in all 20 sub-districts, 1 person in each sub-district, and Group 3) farmers in all 20 sub-districts, 1 person in each sub-district, a total of 50 people, and analyzed the data. How to check a triangle By comparing the data obtained from different data collection methods and taking into account whether the data is consistent or not, eg bringing the same information. The results of the research were as follows: 1) The conditions of the farmer's activities which the problems of farming of peasants who are not the same in terms of ideas, education and new knowledge, which may lead to limitations in farming of farmers; 2) the component that is the problem of poverty of peasant farmers is the problem of arable land not owned by farmers outside the irrigation area Farmers lack the real knowledge of farming. lack of water sources to assist in cultivation; and 3) new knowledge-based approaches to solving poverty problems in sub-district agriculture, district agriculture, and peasant farmers. We need to work together to create a new body of knowledge for farming in a new way (New normal) that will reduce operating costs.

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How to Cite
songsittikul, C. (2021). POVERTY MANAGEMENT OF FAMERS: A CASE STUDY OF MUANG DISTRICT SUPHANBURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 417–431. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/253519
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