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Suwatchanee Petcharat
Farida Sasha
Narongsak Rorbkorb


This research aims to study 1) the level of importance on the marketing mix of application food delivery 2) the behavior of ordering food via application food delivery 3) to compare the importance of marketing mix of application food delivery by type of application food delivery. The sample groups in this research are people in Hat Yai Municipality, Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province, 400 people who have experience in ordering food via of application food delivery and use simple random sampling. The data were collected by questionnaire. The statistical analysis was conducted by mean, percentage, standard deviation and F-test. The results of the research were as follows: 1. The overall, the emphasis on marketing mix of the of application food delivery was at a high level. For each aspect, It founds that the sample group was gave the highest importance to the product 2. Food Panda is the most of food ordering which the customer’s order food via of application food delivery. The average cost is 50 - 100 baht per time, the most frequency time of using the service is 3-5 times per week and the most popular to use of application food delivery service to order food during 10.01- 12.00 hrs. 3. Comparison of the importance of marketing mix of food ordering application by type of application food delivery that Included people who use different applications for food ordering, there is no different emphasis on marketing mix and when consider each factor found that none of the factors were different.

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How to Cite
Petcharat, S. ., Sasha, F. ., & Rorbkorb, N. . (2021). MARKETING MIX AND BUYING BEHAVIOR VIA APPLICATION FOOD DELIVERY OF CONSUMERS IN HAT YAI MUNICIPALITY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 143–157. retrieved from
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