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Pattanapoom Phongyubol
Yuttana Praneet
Surapon Suyaprom
Pansa Prutyanggoon
Pranote Nantiyakoon


This article aimed to 1) to study Promotion Democracy Regime, 2) To compare opinions of promoting democracy, 3) To study problems obstacle and suggestions about promotion democracy regime of sub-district administration organization in Phak Hai District, Ayutthaya Province. This research is the mixed method research which consists of quantitative research and qualitative research. The samples were 397 people. from Phak Hai District, Ayutthaya Province. The statistics for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation.The in-depth interviews from the 8 main. Monk, Local politicians, community leaders. sources were analyzed by descriptive content. The results of the research were as follows: 1. People’s opinions on promotion democracy regime of Sub-district administration organization in Phak Hai District in overall was rated at high level. Considering by each aspect, all aspects were rated at high level which were Ranked as Democracy, Living a democracy, Election. 2. The comparison results showed that People with different ages education and occupation. had different opinions on the promotion of democracy among the people of the sub-district administrative organization in Phak Hai district Ayutthaya Province at the statistical significant level at 0.05, and people with gender and incomes is not different. And 3. Problems, obstacles and guidelines on promoting democracy for the people of the sub-district administrative organization in Phak Hai district Ayutthaya Province. Found that exercise of rights and freedoms beyond the scope of the constitutional law on elections. The solution is local politicians must be impartial and create a model of democratic government for youth. Encourage people to participate in political activities and summarize them into newsletters sent online.

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How to Cite
Phongyubol, P. ., Praneet, Y. ., Suyaprom , S. ., Prutyanggoon , P. ., & Nantiyakoon, P. . (2021). PROMOTION DEMOCRACY REGIME OF THE PEOPLE OF SUB-DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION ORGANIZATION IN PHAK HAI DISTRICT, AYUTTHAYA PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 90–103. retrieved from
Research Articles


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