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Phramaha Phachara Kittiwaramedhi


Social development based on the beliefs of Buddhist rituals in Thai society, despite their roots in Buddhism. But some people in society still believe in the mystery. Which is something that has been around for a long time in Thai society before until now In general, beliefs tend to have implications for the underlying social connections. And reflected in the form of various rituals, therefore, the Buddha Sana can contribute to the development of society, where various rituals are performed and able to develop society is Performing various rituals In Buddhism, there will be the cooperation of the people in society who come to join the rituals for the society to become one. Even so, there is always a belief in each person's part. And believe in different things Leading to the practice of the ritual according to the beliefs of each person And whether it is any type of ritual, it has the essence of enhancing goodness. And the purity of the thoughts of the participants of the ritual is fundamental. For example, worshiping or worshiping the jewels Which is an expression of faith in Buddhism to strengthen one's morale and prosperity Not for the invocation of the sacred Or making merit for dead relatives Regardless of the ritual of the Lord Buddha. Can develop society because of the Buddhist rituals It is the principle that society is harmonious and can help each other to create happiness in society.

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How to Cite
Kittiwaramedhi, P. P. . (2021). SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT USING BUDDHIST BELIEFS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 40–49. retrieved from
Academic Article


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