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Chayaporn Chaturapornpracit


The objectives of this research were to investigate 1) the driving behavior causing the traffic rule violation on state highway, 2) factors influencing the driving behavior causing the traffic rule violation on state highway, and               3) to examine the suggestion for proper solution for the traffic rule violation. The research design was mixed methods. The quantitative research approach involved 384 participants selected from the infinite population driver who experienced using the State Highway. The self - administrated questionnaire was used for data collection. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA), t - Test F - Test (One - way ANOVA) Chi2. The research findings indicated that; 1) The 72.1 percentage of the sample group used to drive over a speed limit both intentionally and unintentionally. This illustrated the moderate level of risky driving behavior, with an average of 2.26.                   2) The analysis of Chi2 t - Test F Test showed that the significant factors influencing over - speed driving behavior and risky driving behaviors were gender, age, marital status, average monthly income, driving experience, and personal records of getting traffic ticket in the past 3 years. 3) The suggestions and guidance for the solutions were to include legalizing effective law enforcement, appropriate punishment, cooperation with other agencies. The research provided the recommendation for policy aspect, practice and further research.

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How to Cite
Chaturapornpracit, C. . (2021). FACTORS INFLUENCING THE DRIVING BEHAVIOR CAUSING THE TRAFFIC RULE VIOLATION ON STATE HIGHWAY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 347–362. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/252718
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