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Kanhoknisa Thanachokphisit
Alongkron Akkasaeng


This article aims to ;1) To study the approaches for cultural tourism management in Khemmarat district Ubon Ratchathani 2) To study the problems and obstacles of cultural tourism management Of Khemmarat district during the past 10 years 3) To propose policy recommendations for cultural tourism management of Khemmarat district Ubon Ratchathani This research study uses a qualitative research model which consists of Documentary research by selecting In - depth Interview by specifying a group of informants using Purposive Sampling Qualitative data analysis Analyze the data obtained from interviews and take notes. by using criteria for qualification from being involved in Cultural Tourism Khemarat District Ubon Ratchathani Province, number 15 people, Consider the 6 elements of cultural tourism management as follows from the research results, it was found that Khemarat District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. There are guidelines for cultural tourism management. From the composition (6As), which requires cooperation from all sectors in the development of tourist attractions And organize tourism promotion activities Problems and obstacles of cultural tourism management; Of Khemarat District Over the past 10 years, some roads were damaged and there were insufficient accommodations. Recommend policy recommendations for the management of cultural tourism in Khemmarat district. It requires cooperation from both the public and private sectors as well as those involved in the Khemmarat district to jointly promote and support the integrated cultural tourism management in order to develop into a sustainable cultural tourism destination.

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How to Cite
Thanachokphisit, K. ., & Akkasaeng, A. . (2021). CULTURAL TOURISM MANAGEMENT OF KHEMARAT DISTRICT UBON RATCHATHANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 177–191. retrieved from
Research Articles


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