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Arun Chainit


The objective of this research were to 1) Study the level of satisfaction in the service process service channels service personnel and facilities in Bangkurud Municipality. 2) Study the level of service recipient’s satisfaction towards the service. It is a kind of quantitative and qualitative research. The instruments used were questionnaires and interviews. Key - informants in - depth interviews totally 21 persons, service recipients and head of service providers, and quantitative research. The tool used is a questionnaire. The samples used in the research were stratified random sampling of villages and addresses of 400 persons .The tools used were statistical tests used in data analysis, namely statistical Mean ( ) and Standard Deviation (S.D.). The research results showed that: 1) the satisfaction of the services in Bangkurud Municipality found that the satisfaction of service in Bangkurud municipality overall, the satisfaction the overall was at the highest level 2) The satisfaction level of service recipients provided a total of 6 jobs classified by work as follows: 2.1) Civil work Permission to build Houses found that the overall was at the highest level (  = 4.79) 2.2) Work on cleaning in Public Places found that the overall was at the highest level (  = 4.84) 2.3) Education work found that the satisfaction of service according to opinions of service recipients the overall was at the highest level (  = 4.85), 2.4) Public Health work It was found that satisfactory the overall was at the highest level (  = 4.78) 2.5) Disaster Prevention and Mitigation work found that overall satisfactory the overall was at the highest level (  = 4.82) and 2.6) Emergency Resuscitation work found that satisfaction in service satisfactory the overall was at the highest level (  = 4.80) and the level of satisfaction of service recipients classified by job that the recipient contacted the service from the municipality.

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How to Cite
Chainit, . A. . (2021). EVALUATION OF SATISFACTION TOWARDS THE SERVICE RECIPIENTS OF BANGKURUD MUNICIPALIITY BANGBUATHONG DISTRICT NONTHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 147–163. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/252703
Research Articles


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