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Phrakruparad Chalermporn Apiwaro


Buddhism in Thailand has always been reformed since the Sangha Act 1941, including the Sangha Act 1962 and now the Sangha Act 2017. It is important that we Buddhists help each other to change. Including the push for Buddhism to be able to be a key principle in building people of all classes to live in equal coexistence. And to enable Buddhism to stay with Thai society as long as possible By government reform It is necessary to reform by using Buddhist principles which include "Brahma Vihara Dhamma" or Brahma Vihara 4 When this principle is used in the reform, there will only be ideas with orderly system including Buddhism under Reconciliation Helping each other in the time of suffering There is discomfort in the things that we stress. When applying these principles to therapy or to rejoice when others are doing well. Inevitably leads to a process of good thought Do good things to help achieve a happy coexistence. And finally, have a neutral mind to bring peace to Buddhism Regardless of which religion we are in, when we think systematically Would inevitably be good for that person Including those in that society For we have the principle of holding our hearts according to the motto that “rule with mercy. Please reasonably Has a heart of rejoicing with all the worshipers The goal is to reform people to trust impartiality. "

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How to Cite
Apiwaro, P. C. . (2021). BUDDHISM AFFAIRS REFORM IN PART GOVERMENT BY USE MAIN BRAHMA VIHARA DHARMA. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 136–146. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/252702
Academic Article


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