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Phrapalad Teerapat Nathasilo


Sappuristham and Self-Management in the Age of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) It is a living self-management style that has changed completely from the past. Changing self-practices, it is to focus on oneself rather than on those around them. Represents a big change for Modern living Teachings in buddhism with the highest aim to end suffering Especially the suffering of the heart That society, community and oneself in modern times are facing many problems Which society today There has been a change in self-management style. Completely from the past as a result, the concept of people has changed. The focus is on giving priority to oneself. Interested in their benefits Rather than paying more attention to the people around Or common interests Therefore, the adoption of Buddhist principles that are believed to be the principle of Sappurisatham to manage themselves in the era of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) So as not to cause unwantedproblems Both to oneself and others Especially the psychological suffering that was too much during the time of the debilitating disease And able to live happily in society Sapphurisdharma 7 things Which consists of thạmmạỵỵu ta , the knowledge of the Dharma. Xat thanyu ta, knowledge of attitudes. Xạt tạỵỵu ta, Knowledge of Mattayuta, approximation. Kalạỵỵuta, Acquaintance. Pri saỵỵu ta, Knowing about the company or community. and pu khkhlp ro prạỵỵu ta, Know-how For the principles of Sappuristham will help people adhere and follow. Use it as a self-management principle, able to live in society without any problems. Which results from the person Will affect as a group to be a good society.

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How to Cite
Nathasilo, P. T. . (2021). SAPPURISTHAM AND SELF-MANAGEMENT IN THE AGE OF CORONA VIRUS DISEASE (COVID-19). Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 123–135. retrieved from
Academic Article


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