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Montree Sahachairungrueng


This academic article It is a study of COVID-19 prevention by using organic principles to solve the life problems of people in the disease that spread the COVID 19 according to Buddhism. The Lord Buddha said in a Buddhist proverb that the right views Samatana, all cisterns, cisterns, fights, people who will end their problems and suffer all suffering must follow right views. Or, to concentrate on the 6 organs - eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind - are the principles of the prevention of COVID-19. From the very beginning to the end, there are no problems in living in this COVID-19 situation. Therefore, the prevention of COVID-19 by using organic principles Using the organic principle makes the mind neutral. And have a good commitment Will do any work or adopt it in the prevention of COVID-19 during the high periods Did it for a reason It is accomplished well or helps to be more conscious about the truth. To benefit both oneself and the community Prevention of COVID-19 using organic matter Then we must have a conscious mind Always be prepared and trained by practicing mindfulness. And have basic knowledge and practice on a regular basis. When there is going and where we can use consciousness or organic life. Consider the 6 organics clearly so as not to harm yourself and others. Well-trained organic health is a person who is safe from various dangers. And safe from suffering that would arise from the problem of the ailment.

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How to Cite
Sahachairungrueng, M. . (2021). PREVENTION OF COVID 19 USING ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 88–97. retrieved from
Academic Article


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