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Kittima Jaiplume
Nilawan Chantarangsi
Ampol Charoennon
Reongwit Nilkote
Waiwoot Boonloy


This article of study is knowledge management to develop the school to a learning organization. By knowledge management is an important tool in the development of educational institutions to become a learning organization. It is the process of collecting knowledge both inside and outside the school. It can be used to develop schools to be sustainable success. There are important elements which are: 1) Knowledge Vision (KV) is the knowledge and understanding the vision of the administrators, 2) Knowledge Sharing (KS) is a process of learning and exchanging knowledge to create circulation within the school, 3) Knowledge Asset (KA) is the creation of a data warehouse for storing knowledge and disseminating information. This leads to the learning organization development process in 8 steps: 1) knowledge determination, 2) knowledge collection, 3) knowledge selection, 4) knowledge storage, 5) knowledge sharing, 6) Knowledge application, 7) New knowledge creation, and 8) Knowledge transfer. The success factors consist of the leadership of the school administrators. Learning culture personnel involvement readiness in information technology systems and evaluation And the operation must have a vision and policy for developing individuals, teams, and organizations clearly, and encouraging the exchange of knowledge in activities. The application of school administrators must understand in their own context and choose to suit the context of each school, including 5 disciplines: 1) individual specialization, 2) thought patterns, 3) shared vision, 4) team learning, and 5) Systematic thinking to be used to develop the school into a complete learning organization and to have a system of empowerment of personnel in the school.

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How to Cite
Jaiplume, K. ., Chantarangsi, N. ., Charoennon, A. ., Nilkote, R. ., & Boonloy, W. (2021). KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TO DEVELOP THE SCHOOL TO LEARNING ORGANIZATION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 46–60. retrieved from
Academic Article


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