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Reongwit Nilkote
Waiwoot Boonloy
Theerangkoon Warabamrungkul
Chatree Lundam


          This research article of this study were: 1) to analysis the potential capital of safe agricultural network to integrate the philosophy of sustainable sufficiency economy in Nakhon Pathom province. And 2) to develop of guidelines for the development of sustainable safe agricultural network according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy. This research was qualitative research use study of documents, in - depth interviews observing and removing lessons Select a specific sample. The main contributors were divided into 3 groups: 1) Safe Agriculture Network, 2) Government Agencies, and 3) entrepreneurs and consumers total 53 persons. By using analyzed content and summarized as an overview. The research results found that: 1) the potential capital of the agricultural safety network It has received significant support from the government policy that has resulted in the local agricultural sector generating household income. Especially fruit and vegetable plants Spice that tends to increase in line with market demand. Including support from the public and private sectors in driving through the project continuously. Potential grants include: 1.1) cost, area context, 1.2) group leadership, 1.3) communication, 1.4) partner support, and 1.5) continuous learning. And 2) development of sustainable safe agricultural network is to develop capital, potential, area, which networks must know their potential. And external dynamics that are constantly changing, including politics, economics, learning. The entry into the development of sustainability requires applying 3 principles: moderation. Rationality, good immunity and 2 conditions, knowledge and morality. The key success factors that need to be integrated are: consistency, the context of the area and its potential. Being well - aware and working as a network connects with each other

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How to Cite
Nilkote, R. ., Boonloy, W. ., Warabamrungkul, T. ., & Lundam, C. . (2021). INTEGRATING THE PHILOSOPHY OF SUFFICIENCY ECONOMY TO DEVELOP A SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL NETWORK IN NAKHON PATATHOM PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 14–29. retrieved from
Research Articles


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