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Korawin Kemapanmanas
Supawadee Nakban


The objectives of this article are to create a teaching model of research ethics by using active learning and to develop research ethic learning outcome and enhance life and professional skills in an aspect of moral and ethics of undergraduate students in Culinary Technology and Service Program, Suan Dusit University. The students were given an opportunity to freely participate in active learning activities. The research instruments were the experiment instrument which consists of various types of active learning activities including videos, guest lecturers and a case study. The data collecting instruments which consist of research ethics evaluation form and life and professional skills evaluation form. Consequently, the data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation, independent samples t-test, as well as Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. The research findings revealed that the research moral and ethics of the students who participated in active learning activities are higher than the un-participated one. The analysis of life and professional skills revealed that the participated group have higher score than un-participated group. The research moral and ethics of the students who participated in active learning activities are not different from un-participated in active learning activities. The life and professional skills of the students who participated in active learning activities are significantly different from un-participated in active learning activities revealed that the participated group at .05. The relationship between research ethics and life and professional skill were not related

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How to Cite
Kemapanmanas, K. ., & Nakban, S. . (2021). A LEARNING MANAGEMENT MODEL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ETHICS TO ENHANCE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS’ MORAL, ETHIC, AND LIFE AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 1–13. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/252691
Research Articles


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