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Phramaha Tanom Thãnavaro (Pimsuran)
Toungpetch Somsri
Thanee Suwanprateep


          The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the states and contexts on ways of life in five precepts observation project based community, 2) to study the development on the quality of life of community in Nakhon Pathom province, and 3) to propose the development model on the quality of life of five precepts observation project based community in Nakhon Pathom province. This research is qualitative. Have a documented study in – depth interview data analysis with 48 contributors and a specific population by selecting them individually and presenting descriptive analysis. The result of the study were as follows: 1) As regards the states and contexts concerning the community’s ways of life, the research was found that people’s ways of life are of the simplicity based on certain tradition, custom, art and culture where Buddhist ways of life are properly observed. 2) When it comes to the development of the quality of life, it was found that people properly follow Buddhist teachings giving rise to peoples’ higher quality of life resulting in providing the peacefulness to the country which guarantees the happiness, 3) As far as the development model on the quality of life of five precepts observation project based community in Nakhon Pathom province is concerned, seven steps leading to the concrete happy society are proposed by this research as follows: 3.1) the policy on the five precepts observation project based community should be taken, 3.2) people from various sectors should be promoted to participate in the given project, 3.3) the proper understanding of Buddhist five precepts should be made, 3.4) the development of the quality of life requires the development of the self and mind, 3.5) one’s life cannot be sustainably developed unless one properly follow two kinds of virtue that protect the world side by side with such precepts, 3.6) proper observation of five precepts should be done, and 3.7) following the given guidelines concerning the development of the quality of life of the five precepts observation project based community in Nakhon Pathom province.

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How to Cite
Thãnavaro (Pimsuran), P. T., Somsri, T., & Suwanprateep, T. (2021). THE MODEL QUALITY OF LIFE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY ON THE FIVE PRECEPTS VILLAGE IN NAKHON PATHOM PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(5), 248–262. retrieved from
Research Articles


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