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Wichan Ritthitham
Putthachak Sitthi
Pojh Chanpo


          This academic article aims to present "Participation of the people in the administration of Sakon Nakhon Municipality" as an administrative guideline for the people participation and to encourage people to participate in the administration of the Sakon Nakhon Municipality Including encouraging people and personnel in the organization to share knowledge about the concept and the importance of administration participation from the beginning to the end of process in terms of decision-making, implementation, benefits and evaluation aspects until the change of development strategy plan, Local development plan, operation plan and other provisions complying with the provisions of Thai Kingdom Constitution, an emergency decree, plan, decentralization procedure to Local Government Organizations and the development strategy of the local government organization which require people to take part in their own community area; to access and receive administrative information and development policies of the Sakon Nakhon Municipality administrators. In accordance with the needs of the people to develop the area; people can monitor and evaluate the administration. People can mainly participate in inspecting and directing the management responding to their needs and ensure working transparency. This will lead to the development of the participation process of people and personnel in the organization to strengthen the skills and to realize the importance of using tools. To create a more engaging process not just completing the process but the essence of the participatory process must be taken seriously. As a result, the management of the organization is transparent, more efficient and effective in practice.

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How to Cite
Ritthitham, W., Sitthi, P., & Chanpo, P. (2021). PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN ADMINISTRATION OF THE SAKON NAKHON MUNICIPALITY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(5), 27–41. retrieved from
Academic Article


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