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Phrakruparad Chalermporn Apiwaro


          Modern life in the way of success in work By the nature of that person Want to be successful in today's society Which has, yes, happened for just one day But everyone wants to be happy and feel that they are successful in everyday life and in all areas of their life as well. Whether it's family, work, finance, or business, many people are as successful as they hoped. And at the same time, there are still many people on the path to success in each area they want. It is good to learn how to live together with acquiring knowledge to apply in modern life. Therefore, to apply the principles to live a stable life in each area that you want. The principles in Buddhism should be used to benefit. The principle of the power of Itt Baht 4 Apply to achieve success in work or life, such as the use of Itt Baht 4 as a way of working. To be successful that the Lord Buddha has listened carefully Which consists of 4 guidelines Ie chạntha, or satisfaction, that is, satisfied with the work. Wiriya or persistence is to diligently work on it with effort. Chit ta is to focus on what works and do it with determination. Vimongsa is thoughtfulness in work, perseverance in wisdom, contemplation Look for the reasons and examine the slack in what you did. Itt Baht 4 It will enable us to be successful in life and work as expected.

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How to Cite
Apiwaro, P. C. (2021). LEADING MODERN LIFE TO THE SUCCESS OF WORK BY USING THE PRINCIPLE OF ITT BAHT 4. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(5), 17–26. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/252195
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