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Phrakruwirojkanchanakhet .
Phramethipariyattiwibun .
Pharakhrupalad Suwat Suwattano
Phresamu Sompoch Intaviyo
Phrakrusrithammawaraporn .


          The objectives of this article were to: 1) study the participation of monks in dealing with the situation of Coronavirus disease (COVID - 19) in Kanchanaburi province, 2) study the participation model of village, monastery, and school in developing the new normal sustainably according to the Buddhadhamma in Kanchanaburi province, and 3) analyze the participation process of village, monastery, and school in the development plan for the new normal in Kanchanaburi province. This research was a qualitative research use study of documents, in - depth interviews and focus group. Select purposive sampling divided into 4 groups: 1) monks, 2) student representatives of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, 3) citizens, and 4) government agencies total 30 persons. By using analyzed content and summarized as an overview. The research results found that: 1) The participation of monks consists of 2 levels: 1.1) the monks in which they follow the measures set by the government to prevent and resolve problems, and 1.2) the an organization or temple level by taking part in opening the canteen to distribute food people who are in difficult situations, subdistrict health promoting and knowledge to the community. 2) The Buddhadhamma that can be applied as follows: 2.1) being mindful of fear and stop it by the Buddhist teachings, 2.2) developing the new normal sustainably according to Padhana (the Four Kinds of Effort), and 2.3) developing the new normal sustainably according to Bhavana (the Four Kinds of Development) under the social well - being that aims to develop physical, mental, intellectual, and social aspects. And 3) The participation process of village, monastery, and school include: 3.1) making decisions based on seniority, 3.2) planning actions with respect to charismatic people, 3.3) implementing beliefs and beliefs in Buddhism, 3.4) coordinating common interests, and 3.5) Follow - up and evaluation in a simple way.

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How to Cite
., P., ., P., Suwattano, P. S., Intaviyo, P. S., & ., P. (2021). THE PARTICIPATION PROCESS OF VILLAGE, MONASTERY, AND SCHOOL IN THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEW NORMAL IN KANCHANABURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 344–360. retrieved from
Research Articles


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