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Nitiporn Meepaitoon
Sanyapong Limprasert


          This article aims to study theoretical concepts. Related researches of the Criminal Code Problems, obstacles, and fraud According to the Criminal Code Compare the compoundable offenses of the laws in Thailand with those of foreign countries. To find ways to amend the Criminal Code To turn the offense of fraud into an offense against the land. This will prevent the offender to fear the law. To make the law truly enforceable This study was a qualitative study. The research was based on concepts, theories, texts, documents, articles, journals, theses, internet sources Both in Thai and foreign languages. The study found that the current criminal offenses There is a growing trend. The methods and patterns of the offense are being developed. And the amount of damage is huge. The study suggests that improvements should be made. In accordance with the current social conditions by amending the provisions of the Criminal Code In an offense of fraud from an offense that can be compounded as a state criminal offense. By repealing the provisions of Section 348 because Section 348 provides “offenses in this section in addition to the offense under Section 343 is a compoundable offense” This will make the legal virtue in the offense of fraud. Aimed at protecting the individual, not being a personal matter and resulting in the offense of fraud having an impact on people and society. Which the state has a duty to uphold legal virtue and revise the determination of the penalty rate for an offense of fraud As for the penalty, the penalty will be adjusted to a higher rate. This will prevent Preventing those who think to commit an offense to fear the law and to make the law truly enforceable.

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How to Cite
Meepaitoon, N., & Limprasert, S. (2021). CRIMINAL PROBLEMS FOR FRAUD. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(4), 293–304. retrieved from
Academic Article


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